During a year that included a teachers strike, a global pandemic and an economic recession, the Food Depository responded to a heartbreaking increase in child hunger.

In October, a historic teachers strike in Chicago meant a disruption in access to food for many children.

The Food Depository responded by partnering with dozens of libraries, parks and YMCA locations to provide fruit, snacks and meals for children in need.

It was just one challenge in a difficult year. When the pandemic hit in March, families were faced with more economic disruptions, including school and business closures, layoffs and furloughs.

As a result, food insecurity among families with children soared. About 1 in 3 households with children are now reporting food insecurity, according to an analysis of the COVID Impact study by Northwestern University economists. It’s even worse for Black and Latino households with children – 4 in 10 households are lacking sufficient food to eat.

Thanks to increased flexibility in federal programs, the Food Depository was able to provide more food per distribution to families during the height of the pandemic. In total, the Food Depository distributed more than 564,000 summer meals in fiscal year 2020 – a figure that includes meals distributed during the teachers strike in the fall and the pandemic during the spring.

Since 2010, the Lunch Bus has delivered free summer meals to any child in need along specific routes in the city and suburbs – part of the Food Depository’s summer meal offerings.

At a Lunch Bus stop in Lansing this summer, 3-year-old Lila and her grandmother Maria Moreno received boxes of food. Earlier in the summer, Lila’s father had contracted COVID-19. He’s now recovered and back to work. And Moreno’s daughter, Lila’s mother, has been working full-time from home.

"It helps her a lot. And it helps me, too."

Maria Moreno, grandmother of 3-year-old Lila, of the Food Depository’s summer meals program

Children need food to learn, grow and thrive. The Food Depository is committed to providing year-round meals for our youngest neighbors. We work with schools, libraries, parks and community organizations to offer year-round meals, including after-school meals and summer meals.

We’re grateful to all of our partners and donors who make these programs possible.

When we feed children, we nourish our collective future.